Best Restaurants in June in In Mount Mogan scenic area (Updated 2024)

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7Hangzhou house @ Amanfayun

49 Reviews
€93Jiangzhe Cuisine
CAT 卡特先生Hangzhou refreshed my perception of spring! Wise, gentle, rich, delicate and powerful! A few days ago, a person walked alone on Sudi, and the tourists rubbed shoulders, always feel that this picture and imagination is very awkward. At night, I scanned the code and cycled around the lake for nearly two hours. I finally found the familiar Hangzhou in my mind. The signs of the ten scenes of West Lake passed by one by one. The decency of Lin'an in the film and television dramas was realized one by one. As a foreigner, the attractions in Hangzhou still have to walk. Lingyin, Longjing, this is perhaps my most straightforward interpretation of "Zen tea". A peer, Mr. Li Shu, shared her understanding of here. The path is quiet, and the tea fields are layered. The scattered is. Tea pickers are dotted in the tea fields like small flowers. All the way up the yellow wall and green tiles, the stone steps are Runji, but I am panting and give up the edge. The mountain gate of Shuguang Temple is in front of the unknown. Lingyin Scenic Area is also called "Xianju". The picture of the Tibetan Taoist view in the Buddhist monastery is not difficult to understand in Shuguang Temple! The pious heart gave it, and the tea down the mountain seemed more sweet and fragrant. In this mountain, there is a restaurant I am most familiar with in Hangzhou. When I knew him, he had two diamonds of black pearls and Michelin recommended all year round. In my understanding, it is more legendary. In the restaurant in my hometown scenic spot, we basically bypassed. What to eat in the restaurant passing by! But he is exception to the "Lanqiu Village Food Shop". He often loses everyone's attention when his name is low-key and simple. This restaurant is located in the extremely luxurious Fayun Anxu Hotel, surrounded by rooms, hidden in the city! The layout of the restaurant also follows the overall environmental logic, carefully arranged, and has a delicate design sense! The design of the dishes was beyond my expectations, with high fluctuations and rich rhythms. You can't distinguish the belonging style of the dish, but the taste is amazing and the mouth is moving. You can feel the warm and confident expression of the manager's heart! Very different from the dining experience these days! It is quite surprising in the low-key, and it is frequent in the calm. The taste is diverse and the taste is rich! Dining here is solemn and elegant, without losing the wild fun! How can you miss the gentleness of Longjing tea before the Qingming Festival? These days, cups of green Mingqian Longjing tea are quiet and delicate, fresh and sweet. A tea and a meal, Buddha's heart is often accompanied. In the clear wind of the lawn, Lanqian is in the village.


18 Reviews
€19Jiangzhe Cuisine
xxy259Dad's birthday booked this Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, originally the map location is good, during the day to visit a scenic spot to come back to pick up dinner. When I arrived at the store, I found that the restaurant was really pleasantly surprised. First, the main color of pink was the main color, and I hit the girl's heart~~~~~~~ The taste of the dish is also very appetizing to our Jiangsu and Zhejiang people. Recommend! ! I bought a group purchase package of 458 yuan, 12 choices of signature dishes, 12 choices of recommended dishes, 7 choices of staple snacks, 7 choices of soup, and a lot of choices. The combination of this package is very user-friendly and difficult to adjust? Not there! Fruit before meals: According to the number of people eating, an orange is divided into four petals, and a few small tomatoes are ready to eat~~~~~~~~ Rose drunk shrimp (78): It is a marsh shrimp, cooked and then soaked in the flower carving wine, the container is a short cup, a piece of about a dozen, very tasty! Hawthorn foie gras (68): The creative dish that became popular in previous years, the hawthorn fruit dan skin wrapped a small foie gras, which is both appetizing and greasy, is the hawthorn skin recommended to make a softer taste better. Seven-flavored powder crispy tofu fish (78): I am used to the practice of salt and pepper tofu fish. This time, the dumplings are divided into Japanese-style seven-flavored powder, slightly spicy, but the taste is not bad~~~~~ It is the oil is big, slightly a little bit awkward... Mushroom chicken soup (98): It should be wrapped with high soup ingredients, Plus, the three yellow chicken varieties are used, and the whole bowl of chicken soup is golden. The soup also added a variety of mushroom ingredients (clerodendron flowers, crab legs mushrooms, etc.), scorpions are fresher, and the taste is up! Abalone braised pork (128): The signature dish in the store is also recommended by the public TOP1! Braised pork stew is not bad, just the degree of micro-enrichment of the entrance, abalone is very fresh, meaty Q bullet. Braised sauce is slightly sweet, and it is delicious to live up to expectations~~~~~~~~ Taihuang curry crab (168): It is a green crab, although there is only a lonely crab, the meat is still quite full, proving that the ingredients are fresh! With the toast of the sweet dream pillow, eat with curry sauce, but still prefer the most classic way to eat curry sauce mixed with rice~~~~~~ Ancient French onion oil East Sea yellow croaker (288): the big "protagonist" of the day, the most classic scallion oil of seafood ingredients, but yellow croaker is frozen, the meat is a bit loose, Can barely be considered a fresh taste. Corn bran (32): There is a drop of thunder, first of all, the batter is a bit more, and it is a bit old, and the taste is hard overall. I used canned corn, but it was not a sweet corn variety. There was no juice to burst the pulp. I used a little white sugar and colored chocolate to break it. The taste was not prominent enough. Longevity noodles: When I ordered the food, I just asked casually. I didn't expect the waiter to arrange it immediately. Originally thought that it was meant to give the last one, but the result was a large bowl of noodles, looking at the general selling, but using the high soup, and also fried 2 eggs for us, perfect~~~~~~~